Cloudy with showers. High 94F. Winds ESE at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 50%..
Rain. Potential for heavy rainfall. Low 76F. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 80%. Rainfall near a quarter of an inch.
Photo Illustration by Kirsten Maglunog
Photo Illustration by Kirsten Maglunog
As the fall semester rolls around, there’s no doubt that you’ll fill your schedule with classes, social gatherings and study sessions, making it challenging to find time for yourself. However, picking up a new hobby or pastime can help relieve stress and take some weight off your packed schedule.
Here are some stress-relieving hobbies to try during this busy semester that won’t take too much of your time.
Painting is a great way to relieve stress while practicing your artistic skills, whether you’re creating an original masterpiece or emulating your favorite artist. Creative pursuits like painting can help you shift your focus, tuck your worries away, and freely express yourself in the medium of your choice.
Try investing in a small canvas, a few paint bottles and brushes if you want to test your creativity. You can paint in the sunlight of your backyard or the comfort of your bedroom. If you would like to find some inspiration elsewhere, painting in a park is another great option.
Find your inner green thumb
If you want to pick up a long-term hobby that doesn’t require your full time and attention, try taking care of plants. This activity gives you the simple task of watering your plants and exposing them to daily doses of sunlight. Succulents are a great starter if you’re looking to take care of a low-maintenance plant.
While plant care doesn’t take too much time, it requires plenty of dedication. Be aware of how often you must water your plants to ensure that they stay healthy and vibrant. This activity will also decorate your home and add a bit of green to your space. You will feel that little serotonin boost when you see your plants grow each day.
Crocheting is a great way to relax when you feel stressed with school assignments and frequent exams. According to the American Counseling Association , crocheting reduces irritability, relieves stress and eases anxiety. Not only is it a great meditative activity, but it is also a perfect opportunity to get crafty.
All you need is a crochet hook and a ball of yarn to start. You can start small by crocheting a simple project, such as a knit scarf or coaster for your coffee mug. If you’re feeling confident, try crocheting a cozy sweater to wear on campus during the upcoming chilly season. You can find tutorials and inspiration online, such as on YouTube, Tik Tok or Pinterest.
The holiday season is coming up, which means it’s almost time to feast on holiday goodies. This semester is the perfect time to try baking holiday sweets like cookies, pumpkin bread or apple pie. Baking is especially comforting, knowing that you’ll reward yourself with a delicious dessert once you finish.
If you have some spare time in the afternoon or on the weekends, buy a few ingredients and bake a sugary treat to enjoy. You can also perform an act of kindness by sharing your baked sweets with family and friends. You may even provide the dessert at your Thanksgiving dinner this year.
Revive your physical health with yoga
If you’re looking to improve your physical health but can’t quite find the time to go on a mile run or trip to the gym, try doing yoga. According to the John Hopkins School of Medicine, yoga is the perfect way to improve your strength, flexibility and balance. As a meditative practice, yoga also allows you to reconnect with your mind and body, which can benefit your physical and mental health.
Try doing a quick yoga session in the morning before a busy day to wake up your muscles. You can find free yoga sessions online, which makes this activity quite doable for anyone looking to find a new physical activity.
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